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[Solucionado] Conversão de código TPO para Profit

3 Posts
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Registrou: 2 anos atrás
Posts: 7
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Será que alguém consegue converter os códigos abaixo para o Profit?


TPO Pro  indicator   Original  TPO Pro5   by ????  
5c 5b 
203.21  Added VAH VAL Lines & PriceAxis Markers, Flipped Histogram
30303   Seperating Plot Colors, Widths , History from Current Plots
       Removed Code for Letters, was unnecessary duplicated
30304   Major Overhaul , changed names, cleaned code,  more readable 
30309 Removed Today's VA Lines replotting next to new lines 
30414 Input Names changed, Todays VA Lines plot once
31002 same as 40101 Added a lot.
wishlist: plot multiple days histo.... extend VAH &VAL Lines 

[LegacyColorValue = false];

 PlotTPOHistogramABcText  (false),
 HistogramTextColor       (magenta),  
 HistogramLetter_Symbol   (""),
 HistoSymbol_if_ABCTxt_False ({MustHave "Quotes" InputAbove}{MustHave "Quotes" InputAbove}{MustHave "Quotes" InputAbove}{MustHave "Quotes" InputAbove}{MustHave "Quotes" InputAbove}{MustHave "Quotes" InputAbove}{MustHave "Quotes" InputAbove}{MustHave "Quotes" InputAbove}{MustHave "Quotes" InputAbove}{MustHave "Quotes" InputAbove}{MustHave "Quotes" InputAbove}{MustHave "Quotes" InputAbove}{MustHave "Quotes" InputAbove}{MustHave "Quotes" InputAbove}{MustHave "Quotes" InputAbove}{MustHave "Quotes" InputAbove}{MustHave "Quotes" InputAbove}{MustHave "Quotes" InputAbove}{MustHave "Quotes" InputAbove}{MustHave "Quotes" InputAbove}{MustHave "Quotes" InputAbove}{MustHave "Quotes" InputAbove}{MustHave "Quotes" InputAbove}{MustHave "Quotes" InputAbove}0),

 ShowTodaysVARange_TextString (false),
 TodaysVARange_TextStringColor (white), 
 ShowPriorVARangeTextLables    (false),
 ColorPastVARangeTextLabels    (darkmagenta),

 POCdot_Color              (white), 
 POCdot_ThicknessWidth     (5),
 VArangeVerticalLine_Color (magenta), 
 VArangeVerticalLine_Width (5),
//cPastVAVerticalRangeLine  (magenta),
//ColorPastVerticalPOCDots  (white),
//wPastVA_VerticalRangeLine (5),
//wPastVAMidPointDots       (5), 
WidthTodaysVA_HighLowLines (2),
TodaysVAHigh_LineColor (blue),
TodaysVALow_LineColor (red),
TodaysPOC_LineColor (yellow),
ShowPriorHistoryVALines     (false),
cPastVAHigh_LineColor       (red),
cPastVALow_LineColor        (blue),
wPastVAHigh_VALow_LineThickness (1),

 RePlotPriceBarsOverHistgram (true), 
 ReplotPriceBars_LineWidth   (2),
 ReplotPriceBarsWick_Color       (black),
 PriceBarCloseDot_Color      (darkgray),
 cBarUp (green),
 cBarDN (rgb(200,0,0)),

 ShowCurrentLastPriceLine (true),
 LastPrice_LineColor      (LightGray), 

 ValueAreaRange_Percent (.7),
 Stime                  (1615),
 compress               (1),
 len                    (30),
 letter_1               (2),
 ValueAreaSize_n        (4); 

intrabarpersist Color(0),
VA(0),VaMid(0),VAP(0),VAH(0),OldVAH(0),VAL(0),OldVAL(0),Valsize(0), //  {"vap"=ValueAreaPercent}
vCurPOC(0),POC(0),OldPOC(0),CP(0),//                              {"CP "= CenterPoint Center of Distribution ?POC?} 
cVrtRng(0), wVrtRng(0),  TL_VrtPOC(0), TL_VrtRng(0), TL_hVrtRng(0),      
Labl(0),cRngLbl(0),chRngLbl  (0),  
ctHisto(0), pHistoTxt(true), HistoChar("8"),
pCurLoc(0), D1p(0),D2p(0),T1p(0),T2p(0),

array: aPRI[1000](0),
      aPriStr[1000]("");  {? Primary String ?}

if currentbar = 1  then begin
 letter1 =  letter_1 ;
 ctHisto = HistogramTextColor ;
//cPOC    = ColorPastVerticalPOCDots ;
 cLstPrc =  LastPrice_LineColor ;
 cVrtRng = VArangeVerticalLine_Color ;
//cVrtRng = cPastVAVerticalRangeLine ;
 cPBWick = ReplotPriceBarsWick_Color ;
 cPBBody =  PriceBarCloseDot_Color ;
 cRngLbl = TodaysVARange_TextStringColor ;
 chRngLbl= ColorPastVARangeTextLabels ;
 cPOC    = POCdot_Color ;
 ctPOC   = TodaysPOC_LineColor;
 cVAH    = TodaysVAHigh_LineColor ;
 cVAL    = TodaysVALow_LineColor  ;
 chVAH   = cPastVAHigh_LineColor ;
 chVAL   = cPastVALow_LineColor ;
 wPOC    = minlist (6, POCdot_ThicknessWidth );
 wVrtRng = minlist (6, VArangeVerticalLine_Width );
//wVrtRng = minlist (6, wPastVA_VerticalRangeLine );
 wVaHL   = minlist (6, WidthTodaysVA_HighLowLines );
//wPOC    = minlist (6, wPastVAMidPointDots );
 whVaHL  = minlist (6, wPastVAHigh_VALow_LineThickness );
 wPBWick = minlist (6, ReplotPriceBars_LineWidth );
 wPBBody = minlist (6, wPBWick + 1 ); 
//wVaHL    = minlist (6, WidthTodaysVA_HighLowLines );
//wTodayVAL= minlist (6, wTodaysValueAreaLowLine );
 pHistoTxt= PlotTPOHistogramABcText ;
 HistoChar= HistogramLetter_Symbol ;
 pPBWick  = RePlotPriceBarsOverHistgram ;
 pLstPrc  = ShowCurrentLastPriceLine ;
 ptLabl   = ShowTodaysVARange_TextString;
 pHisLbl  = ShowPriorVARangeTextLables ;
 phVaHL   = ShowPriorHistoryVALines ;
 VAP      = ValueAreaRange_Percent ;
 Valsize  = ValueAreaSize_n ;        {Line Thickness for VA horiz lines}
 mintick  = 1 point * minmove * compress ; 
 xpts     = 500 * mintick ;

if BarStatus(1) = 2 then begin

nuFlag = 0 ;
if  Time0 <= sess1endtime 
and t > sess1endtime 
and sess2starttime <> 0 
 then nuFlag = 1
if  d <> d0 
and sess2starttime = sess2endtime 
 then nuFlag = 1
if Time0 = sess1endtime then nuFlag = 1 ;    

if NuFlag = 1 then begin
 if currentbar > 1  then begin
  if  cVrtRng <> 0     { if  PlotHistogram = true }
  and Flag2 = 0
   then begin
    VaMid = 0 ;
    TPOtotal = 0 ;
    POC = dLo ;
    CP = dLo + (( dHi - dLo )*.5);//    {"CP "=CenterPoint center of dist.}

    for x = dLo to dHi  begin 
     if aPriStr[x] <> "" then begin
     //aPriStr[x] = nutpstr( aTPO[x], aPriStr[x], aPRI[x]);     {places NumberCharacter in front of Histogram Text History Plots}
       TPOtotal = TPOtotal + aTPO[x];    {Total TPO Count}

       if  aTPO[x] = VaMid 
       and x <= CP  
        then POC = x ;

       if  aTPO[x] = VaMid 
       and   x > CP 
       and ( x - CP ) < AbsValue( CP - POC ) 
        then POC = x ;

       if aTPO[x] > VaMid then begin
         POC  = x ;
         VaMid = aTPO[x] ;
     end; //  {end of "if aPriStr[x] <> "" then begin"}
    end;    {end of "for x = dLo to dHi  begin "}

    VA = TPOtotal * vap ;
    x = VaMid ; 
    VAH = POC ; 
    VAL = POC ;
    x = 0 ;

    while x < VA  begin
     value19 = aTPO[VAH+1] + aTPO[VAH+2];
     value20 = aTPO[VAL-1] + aTPO[VAL-2];

     if value19 >= value20 then begin
      if x + aTPO[ VAH +1] >= VA
       then begin
        x = x + aTPO[ VAH +1];
        VAH = VAH + 1 ;
      end else begin
        x = x + value19;  
        VAH = VAH + 2 ;
     end else begin

     if x + aTPO[ VAL -1] >= VA
      then begin
       x = x + aTPO[ VAL -1]; 
       VAL = VAL - 1 ;
     end else begin
       x = x + value20;
       VAL = VAL - 2 ;
     end;//     {end of ":if value19 >= value20"} 
    end;//     {end of " while x < VA  begin"}

//{***** PAST HISTORY VALUE AREA TEXT LABLES  below pricebars *********}   
    if  VAH > dHi  then   VAH = dHi ;     {"tHi"=Today'sHigh}
    if  VAL < dLo  then   VAL = dLo ;    
    VAH = FP + ((VAH-500) * mintick );
    VAL = FP + ((VAL-500) * mintick );
    vCurPOC = FP + (( POC -500 ) * mintick );

    if  pHisLbl  then begin
      Labl = text_new( D2p , T2p , dl - mintick ,"VA:"+mp_str32(VAL) + " " + mp_str32(VAH));
      text_setstyle( Labl , 0 , 2 );    
      text_setcolor( Labl , chRngLbl );

{***** SETS PAST HISTORY VA VERTICAL LINE ****************************************************} 
    TL_hVrtRng = tl_new( D1p , T1p , VAH , D1p , T1p , VAL );
    tl_setcolor( TL_hVrtRng , cVrtRng );
    tl_setsize ( TL_hVrtRng , wVrtRng );

{***** SETS PAST HISTORY POC VERTICAL-LINE/DOT OF VALUE AREA ******************************************} 
    TL_VrtPOC = tl_new( D1p , T1p , vCurPOC + mintick /15, D1p , T1p , vCurPOC - mintick /15 ); 
  //tlVACpt = tl_new ( D1p , T1p , vCurPOC + mintick /15, D2p , T1p , vCurPOC - mintick /15 ); 
  //Above tl_new Creates a POC Line spanning the entire day               
    tl_setcolor( TL_VrtPOC , cPOC );
    tl_setsize ( TL_VrtPOC , wPOC );

{***** VA HISTOGRAM RED TEXT row **************************************************************}  
    PC2 = 0 ;
    for y = dLo to dHi begin
     Price= FP + ((y-500) * mintick ) ;                    
     if Price <= pc  then  PC2 = y ;  

    if PC2 = 0  then  PC2 = BarLo ;
    CurTxt = aPriStr[pc2] ;
    if RightStr(  CurTxt , 1) <> "<" 
     then begin
      text_setstring( aPRI[pc2] ,  CurTxt + " <");
      text_setcolor ( aPRI[pc2] , cClose );
 end;    {end of "if currentbar > 1  then begin" line164}

 D1p  = d - 1 ;               {Used on TLs as Yesterday  D1p,T1p=1stBar B4 New Session} 
 T1p  = SessionEndTime(1,1) ; {Used on TLs as begining Time}
 T2p  = t ;                   {1st TimeStamp of New Day (for line locations)}
 D2p  = d ;                   { Date/Day to Plot (for line locations)}
 Labl = 0 ;
 TL_hVrtRng = 0 ;   {30304xx }

{***** HISTOGRAM TEXT LETTERS *************************************************} 
 for value1 = dLo to dHi begin
   aPriStr[value1] = "" ;
   aTPO[value1]    = 0 ;

 //CurLet  = curletstr( stime ,len, letter1 );
 //Old CurLet  =  CurLet  ;
 NewDayFlag = 0 ;
 DayLow  = l ;  
 FP   = o   ; 
 dHi  = 500 ;
 dLo  = 500 ;
//30425  //aTPO[500] = 1 ;                                 
 //aPRI[500] = text_new(d, T2p ,o,"   >" +  CurLet  );
 //   aPriStr[500] = "   >" +  CurLet  ;
 //text_setstyle( aPRI[500] , 1 , 2 );    
 //text_setcolor( aPRI[500] , darkgray);
 HH    = o ; 
 LL    = o ; 
 VaMid = 1 ; 
 tot   = 1 ;
 dl    = l ;
 value22 = currentbar;

 if d = juliantodate(lastCalcJdate) then Flag2 = 1 ;

end;   {end of "if NuFlag = 1 then begin" line161} 

if pHistoTxt
then   CurLet  = curletstr( stime , len , letter1 )
else   CurLet  = HistoChar ; 

Time0 = t ; 
d0 = d ; 
pc = C ;
BarHi = intportion(( xpts + H - FP + ( mintick /10))/ mintick );
BarLo = ceiling   (( xpts + l - FP - ( mintick /10))/ mintick );

if BarHi > dHi  then  dHi = BarHi ;     {tH = Today's High price}
if BarLo < dLo  then  dLo = BarLo ;
if low   < dl   then  dl = l ;

if  datacompression = 0 
and currentbar > value22 
then begin
//lcount = lcount + 1 ;                 {"lcount"=LetterCount a-z,A-Z}
//if lcount = 53  then lcount = 1 ;     {Reset to first of 52 letters}
//CurLet  = midstr( lett , lcount ,1);
 HH = o ; 
 LL = o ;
 NewDayFlag = NewDayFlag + 1 ; 

value22 = CurrentBar ;
if  datacompression = 1
and OldLet <> CurLet
then begin
 HH = o ; 
 LL = o ;
 NewDayFlag = NewDayFlag + 1 ;

{***** HISTOGRAM LETTERS *****************************************************}
for y = BarLo to BarHi  begin
Price  = FP + ((y-500) * mintick );
CurTxt = aPriStr[y] ;

if  CurTxt = "" then begin
  aTPO[y] = 1 ;
  aPRI[y] = text_new( D2p ,2300, Price ,"    " + CurLet );  // aPRI[y]= text_new(D2p,T2p,price,"    "+ CurLet );
  aPriStr[y] = "    " + CurLet ;                            // aPriStr[y]="    "+ CurLet ;
{SETS HISTO PLOT Left1/VaMid0/Right2 of PriceBar}
  text_setstyle( aPRI[y],1,0);                             //text_setstyle( aPRI[y],0,0);
  text_setcolor( aPRI[y],ctHisto);
 else begin
if leftstr(  CurTxt ,1) <> CurLet 
 then begin                                      //if RightStr( CurTxt,1) <>  CurLet  then begin
  text_setstring( aPRI[y] , CurTxt + CurLet );  //text_setstring( aPRI[y], CurTxt+ CurLet );
  aPriStr[y] =  CurTxt + CurLet  ;
  aTPO[y]    = aTPO[y] + 1 ;
end;    {end of "for y = BarLo to BarHi begin"}

{***** HighestHigh LowestLow of the Day **************************************}
if  h > HH  then  HH = h ;
if  l < LL  then  LL = l ;

if  cVrtRng <> 0     {if No color speced then no Histogram calced or plotted}
and lastbaronchart  
then begin
 VaMid   = 0 ;  
 value16 = 0 ;
 TPOtotal = 0 ;
 POC     = dLo ;
 CP      = dLo + ( dHi - dLo )/2; {center of dist.}

//{***** TODAY'S HISTOGRAM PLOT ************************************************} 
 for x = dLo to dHi  begin 
  if  aPriStr[x] <> "" then begin
  //aPriStr[x] = nutpstr( aTPO[x] , aPriStr[x] , aPRI[x] );     {Numbered Outline of Today's Histogram }
    TPOtotal   = TPOtotal + aTPO[x] ;                             {total tpo count}
    if  aTPO[x] = VaMid and x <= CP   then POC = x ;
    if  aTPO[x] = VaMid and x >  CP  
    and (x- CP ) < absvalue(CP - POC ) then POC = x ;

    if aTPO[x] > VaMid then begin
      POC   = x ;
      VaMid = aTPO[x];
  end;    {end of "if  aPriStr[x] <> "" then begin"}
 end;    {end of "for x = dLo to dHi begin"}

 VA = TPOtotal * vap ;

 if l < DayLow  then begin    {if Low < Dailylow}
   DayLow = l ;
   Price = FP +(( dLo -501)  * mintick );
   if Labl <> 0 then Text_SetLocation( Labl , D2p , T2p , Price );

//{***** VALUE AREA TEXT   ploted above PriceBars CURRENT DAY *****************************} 
 if ptLabl then begin 
  if Labl = 0 then begin
   pCurLoc = GetAppInfo(aiHighestDispValue) - (10 * mintick) ;  {New Location at Top of Chart}
 //Price = FP +(( dLo -501) * mintick );           {Prior30321, VA Txtlocation difficult to see }
   Labl  = text_new( D2p , T2p , pCurLoc, "-" );   //Labl  = text_new( D2p , T2p , Price, "-" );
   text_setstyle( Labl , 2 , 3 );               
   text_setcolor( Labl , cRngLbl );   //text_setcolor(Labl,cRngLbl);
  {Current VA Values & TextPlots are Updated on Line459}

 if VA <> 0 then begin
   value61 = value18; 
   x   = VaMid ;
   VAH = POC   ;
   VAL = POC   ;

   while x < VA begin
     value19 = aTPO[ VAH +1] + aTPO[ VAH +2] ;  
     value20 = aTPO[ VAL -1] + aTPO[ VAL -2] ;
     if value19 >= value20  then begin
      if x + aTPO[ VAH +1] >= VA  
       then begin
        x  = x + aTPO[ VAH +1] ;
        VAH = VAH + 1 ;
      end else begin
        x = x + value19 ;  
        VAH = VAH + 2 ;
     end else begin
     if x + aTPO[ VAL -1] >= VA  then begin
       x = x + aTPO[ VAL -1] ; 
       VAL = VAL - 1 ;
     end else begin
       x = x + value20 ;  
       VAL = VAL -2;
   end;    {end of "while x < VA begin"}

//{***** MOST CURRENT VALUE AREA & POC CENTER POINT *************************}    
   if VAH > dHi  then  VAH = dHi ; 
   if VAL < dLo  then  VAL = dLo ;    
   OldPOC = POC ;
   OldVAH = VAH ;
   OldVAL = VAL ;
   VAH    = FP + ((VAH-500) * mintick );
   VAL    = FP + ((VAL-500) * mintick );
   if NewDayFlag = 1  then  value63 = t ;

   if VAH > VAL and NewDayFlag > 1  then begin
    if TL_VrtRng  = 0 
     then begin

//{***** CURRENT DAY VALUE AREA VERTICAL LINE **************************************}
      TL_VrtRng  = tl_new( D1p , T1p , VAH , D1p , T1p , VAL );
      tl_setcolor  ( TL_VrtRng  , cVrtRng );
      tl_setsize   ( TL_VrtRng  , wVrtRng );               //tl_setsize(VrtRng,wVrtRng);
      vCurPOC = FP +(( OldPOC - 500 ) * mintick );

//{*** CURRENT DAY POC,VAL & VAH  (Vertical & Horizontal Lines) ********************}
      TL_VrtPOC = tl_new( D1p , T1p , vCurPOC + mintick /15, D1p , T1p , vCurPOC - mintick /15);
      tl_setcolor( TL_VrtPOC , cPOC ) ;                 //tl_setcolor(tlVACpt,cVrtRng);
      tl_setsize ( TL_VrtPOC , wPOC  ) ;                //tl_setsize(tlVACpt,value88);

      plot1( vCurPOC , "POCaxis", ctPOC ) ;
      plot2( VAH ,"VAHaxis", cVAH ); 
      plot3( VAL ,"VALaxis", cVAL );

//    {***** Horizontal Lines *****} 
      TL_VAH = tl_new( D2p , T2p , VAH , D2p , t , VAH );
      tl_setcolor( TL_VAH , cVAH  );
      tl_setsize ( TL_VAH , wVaHL );
      TL_VAL = tl_new( D2p , T2p , VAL , D2p , t , VAL );
      tl_setcolor( TL_VAL , cVAL  );
      tl_setsize ( TL_VAL , wVaHL );
      TL_POC = tl_new( D2p , T2p , vCurPOC , D2p , t , vCurPOC );
      tl_setcolor( TL_POC , ctPOC );
      tl_setsize ( TL_POC , wVaHL );
     else begin
    if OldVAH <> VAH       
     then begin
      tl_setbegin( TL_VrtRng , D1p , T1p , VAH );
    //tl_setbegin( TL_VAH , D2p , T1p , VAH );     {Current ValueAreaHigh Line}
    //tl_setend  ( TL_VAH , D2p , t   , VAH );

    if OldVAL <> VAL
     then begin
      tl_setend  ( TL_VrtRng  , D1p , T1p , VAL );
    //tl_setbegin( TL_VAL , D2p , T1p , VAL );
    //tl_setend  ( TL_VAL , D2p , t   , VAL );
  end;     {end of "if VAH > VAL and NewDayFlag > 1  then begin"}

     if   NewDayFlag > 1 {and value61 <> value18 }
      then begin
        vCurPOC = FP + (( OldPOC - 500 ) * mintick );
        tl_setbegin( TL_VrtPOC , D1p , T1p , vCurPOC + mintick / 15 );
        tl_setend  ( TL_VrtPOC , D1p , T1p , vCurPOC - mintick / 15 );

     text_setstring( Labl ,"CurVA:"+mp_str32( VAL ) + " " + mp_str32( VAH ));

  end;     {end of "if VA <> 0 then begin" line#300}
end;     {end of "if  cVrtRng <> 0 and lastbaronchart " line#263}

{**** PRIOR HISTORY VAH & VAL LINES ***********************************}

 If phVaHL  then begin 
   var: TL_hVAH (0), TL_hVAL (0);
   TL_hVAH = tl_new( D1p-1 , T1p , VAH , D2p , T2p , VAH );
   TL_hVAL = tl_new( D1p-1 , T1p , VAL , D2p , T2p , VAL );
   tl_setcolor( TL_hVAH , chVAH  );
   tl_setsize ( TL_hVAH , whVaHL );   
   tl_setcolor( TL_hVAL , chVAL  );
   tl_setsize ( TL_hVAL , whVaHL ); 

{***** MostRecent LastClosingPrice (floating Horizontal Line) ************************}
//var: TL_LstPrc (0);
if pLstPrc  then begin
  if  TL_LstPrc  = 0 
  and currentbar = 3 
   then begin
     TL_LstPrc = tl_new( value50 , value51 ,c,d,t,c );
     tl_setcolor  ( TL_LstPrc , cLstPrc   );           {Color of CurrentPrice floating Line}
     tl_setsize   ( TL_LstPrc , 1 );
     TL_SetExtLeft( TL_LstPrc , true );
  end else 
  if currentbar > 3 
  and LastBarOnChart  
   then begin
     tl_setend  ( TL_LstPrc ,d,t,c);
     tl_setbegin( TL_LstPrc , value52 , value53 ,c );

     tl_setend  ( TL_POC , d , t ,  vCurPOC );
     tl_setbegin( TL_POC , d , 930, vCurPOC );
     tl_setend  ( TL_VAH , d , t ,  VAH );
     tl_setbegin( TL_VAH , d , 930, VAH );
     tl_setend  ( TL_VAL , d , t ,  VAL );
     tl_setbegin( TL_VAL , d , 930, VAL );
   //if h > HH  then  tl_setend  ( TL_hVAH , d , t , VAL ); 


  value52 = value50 ;
  value53 = value51 ;
  value50 = d ;
  value51 = t ;

end; //{end of "if BarStatus(1)=2 then begin"} 

if pPBWick then begin
 if C > C[1] and C[1] < C[2] then Color = green
 if C < C[1] and C[1] > C[2] then Color = red
 if C > O then Color = cBarUP  
  else         Color = cBarDN ;

 PBWick = tl_new( D, T , Low , D, T, High );
 tl_setcolor( PBWick , cPBWick );
 tl_setsize ( PBWick , wPBWick );   //tl_setsize ( PBWick , wPBWick );

 PBBody = tl_new( D, T, Open , D, T, Close );  
 tl_setcolor( PBBody , Color );
 tl_setsize ( PBBody , wPBBody );   //tl_setsize ( PBBody , wPBBody );       
end;     {end of "if pPBWick then begin"}


Membro Admin
Registrou: 3 anos atrás
Posts: 216

Boa noite @mahalo!

       Cara, acho improvável alguém se dar ao trabalho de fazer uma tradução para NTSL do código acima de livre espontânea vontade e gratuitamente.

       Acredito que você tem maior chance de sucesso contratando algum programador para este trabalho, pois é algo que vai exigir bastante tempo. (E nem entrei no mérito se é possível em NTSL)


Grande abs!

Novo membro
Registrou: 2 anos atrás
Posts: 1


